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Tell Your Story in 15 Minutes or Less: Past, Present, and Future

  “Sometimes, when you’re in a dark place, you think you’ve been buried; but actually, you’ve been planted.” I like to think we all enter the tangible world with soul energy. As infants, we have no concept of what is beyond; no understanding we will erupt from the thing we called home, in our limited experience, to no understanding of what is next.  I was born on April 13 th ,1985 at 4:13am, after a four-hour labor. I later came to learn that 13 was my mother’s lucky number; she was born on Halloween, and had witch/healer energy, after all. I was 7lb, 13oz, and my head circumference was 13 inches. The official time on my birth certificate was 4:12, but if you ask my mother, that was wrong. I was welcomed into a lower-middle-class family, and assume I was loved in the capacity my parents knew how to love. When I was six months old, my brother was conceived, and he was not a part of the plan; my parents or mine. From the moment he was born, nearly on the toilet of my parent’s trailer

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